Shanelle JohnsonDecember 4, 2020 in Counseling / Therapy / North America tagged blacktherapy / Counseling / poctherapy / therapist / therapy / urbanrestoration / urbanrestorationcounseling / urcc by urbanrestorationcounseling Displaying listings from all locations. Use the fields below to filter listings for a particular country, city, or state. Start by selecting the top most region, the other fields will be automatically updated to show available locations. Use the Clear Filter button if you want to start over. Select a Continent*Select a RegionNorth America Select a Country*No Regions available Select LocaleNo Regions available Shanelle Johnson COO Urban Restoration Counseling Center Shanelle Johnson 6196481158 We are dedicated to helping rehabilitate and rejuvenate the lives of those from disenfranchised communities by providing affordable outpatient counseling services. Mindy Dougherty President and Creator WtrGpsy, LLC DBA Feed My City Mindy Dougherty US Army Veteran and Author of A Resilient Warrior and owner of a company that gives organic produce to food banks and child advocacy groups. Antonio Moore Owner Marriage Means Moore Inc Antonio Moore 248.571.7040 We Help Couples RE-Build Their Relationships ONE PROBLEM at a Time. "Virtual Relationship Coaching"