Make bubbles that bounce! Fan the flames of a tornado in a jar! Make elastic from a dandelion! Predict weather from cloud formations! Discover the beauty and wonder of nature all year round with these quick, easy experiments and activities from Jean Potter. You can complete each activity in ten fun-filled minutes or less, and the clear step by step instructions and illustrations can help you get it right every time. The projects are organized by season and can help you learn about everything from why grass is green to how seals stay warm in icy arctic waters. You are going to find a few of the materials already in your house, backyard, or neighborhood. The 112 activities in this book cover every aspect of the natural world, including plant and animal life, weather, ecology, rocks and minerals, the senses, the stars, and a lot more. You can build a mountain the same way the earth does, find out whether your neighborhood ants prefer sugar or artificial sweetener, discover why maple seeds act like tiny helicopters, and explore the effects of acid rain on plants–all with the assistance of a leading educator. Children Ages 8-12