Tonia NJoy Carter

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Tonia NJoy Carter
Independent Representative
NJoy Essentials
Join us as we learn how to maximize our hair growth and reach our healthy hair growth goals 90 days at a time!
Victoria Green
Brand Ambassador
Cherish You Always
For incredible protection you'll barely notice, choose the Cherish Overnight Use Premium Sanitary Napkins.
Shaketta Kiki Giles
Business Representative
Planet Marketing and Enjoyable Travels By Shaketta
Welcome to PlanNet! As a Rep with PlanNet Marketing you are on your way to financial independence. Learn more about the PlanNet Rep Opportunity here.
Candace Brown
Maid 2 Shine Clean
Hello and welcome to Maid 2 Shine Clean! We specialize in commercial and residential home cleanings. We offer biweekly, weekly, every 3 weeks, and once a month cleanings to tailor your need’s. We offer laundry only services, basic and deep cleanings, wet room only cleaning’s, commercial cleanings, steam cleaning, and 1 level rotation or, 1 level only cleanings you pick the one that best fit’s your need’s. Please do not hesitate to call or text your inquiry.
Katrina Hilliard
Alotta Pajs Boutique
A variety of products to choose from!
Katherine Kee
Kee's Tees
Kee's Tees is Streetwear giving you "Styles for all season"!! We create unique designed Tees you can wear anywhere! Whether you're in the tropics or not, our goal is to provide trendy apparel you will wear today, tomorrow and years to come.
Lydia Chappell Williams
Bella Grace Boutique LCW
LCW ☆ Bella Grace Boutique ☆
Chaslyn Hawkins
Christina E Pearls
This company was created with the idea that anyone, anywhere, and any outfit could wear pearls regardless of occasion, status or time.
Amber Woolfolk
Solve Tutoring
We provide local group and private tutoring resources for middle school students to increase academic confidence. Each session is 60 minutes
SKyla Jenins
Lamour Parties and Events | YKS Clinical Research
Located just south of Atlanta in the heart of Downtown McDonough, L'Amour Parties and Events provides a space that is intimate, yet spacious. Our 5,000 square foot venue is one of elegance and versatility that can be transitioned to bring your vision to life.