Rae Russell

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Rae Russell
Founder & CEO
Financial Coach 4 U
Financial Coach Rae (CA) CEO/ Founder of FC4U. I am from the beautiful island of Dominica. I am a single mom raising two FABULOUS children, Andrew and Andreah. I am also a care giver for my 94 year old grandmother and my 68 year old uncle who has been recently diagnosed with prostate/bone cancer. (we are believing God for a miracle) I began my financial services career with Primerica in 1996 while enrolled in the United States Navy. I attained my insurance license and held a Series 6 and 63 investment license for many years (inactive). I branded myself as "The Financial Coach" because I wanted to teach people how to play and win at the money game. Over the years, I successfully educated and mentored hundreds of families throughout the state of California.
Jody Richardson
Field Trainer
Financial Education Services
Financial Education Services strives to provide financial opportunity in its most complete form. With a focus on consumer education and providing a unique and personalized experience, we work to eliminate the burden of financial uncertainty while creating a plan of action and peace of mind for the future.Our vision is to continuously develop beyond the financial services offered today, enhancing not only the opportunity for consumers to feel financial stability, but ultimately achieve their greatest financial potential. Our goals will always lead back to that that our foundation was created upon- to educate and improve the financial scenarios of American consumers.
Teresa Reed
Trusted Tax & Business Advisor
Tax preparation and bookkeeping for small businesses, real estate owners, & professionals. I'm a CPA, USC grad & provide exceptional personalized service.