Become A Successful Virtual Assistant: Learn the Business Side & Ditch 9 to 5


Are you ready to change your life and your lifestyle by becoming a virtual assistant? You might have seen ads or heard of someone who was working as a VA and wondered if you could do the same. You’ll be able to! I wrote this book to teach you all you wish to have to know to start your own VA business. By sharing my own experiences and insights, you’re going to save months or even years trying to figure everything out on your own!

I first became a virtual assistant At the same time as working remotely for my employer. After only a few months of being a VA, my employer sent out new contracts for the year. I had to make a decision then for the upcoming year. Suddenly my lifelong philosophy of “I will be able to never own my own business” didn’t seem like such a bad idea. If I could do what I used to be doing for my employer, couldn’t I do it for myself?

With little thought, no business plan, no knowledge of how to run a business, and—crazy enough—no fear, I sent the contract back to my employer—unsigned.

I told my employer I felt this was my opportunity, and I had to take it. It was now or never. He understood and was supportive. I finished out my contract and then I used to be officially on my own. There was one big problem. Where do I find my clients? The question virtual assistants ask the most, second only to “How do I get rid of this client?”

Sadly, not all VAs make it through the first year and some are never able to do more than keep it as a side gig ultimately working two jobs. Throughout this book I will be able to answer the most asked questions, including the questions you don’t know you wish to have to ask. I will be able to take you from where you are now to owning a successful virtual assistant business in the least amount of time, spending the least amount of money, and get you to your first client quickly. You’ll learn how to grow, scale, and reach elite VA status generating income through several different sources all without being chained to a desk.

I never had a problem getting a job in my life. By some means I thought gaining clients would be as simple. I would prove myself wrong. That one problem led to such a lot of others questions that I couldn’t answer. And I quickly realized no one could help me. All the mentors, coaches, and guides didn’t understand where I used to be coming from. They had never been an administrative professional. They were not familiar with the mindset of an admin, so they didn’t know how to transition my skills to the virtual assistance world.

Through trial and error, I learned to weave business principles into the mindset and service-based world of virtual assistance. I figured out how to do what I do best, how to get paid what I’m worth, and how to enjoy the life of being a business owner. I ditched the traditional 9 to 5 job and made my own rules. Being a VA isn’t simply about doing the work of an assistant; it is understanding the business side of business.

Consider this book your roadmap. I wish someone had given me one! This roadmap will provide you a foundation on which to build your VA business. It is possible for you to to take the principles and guides in this book and personalize them to your own business. At the same time as the process won’t be linear, each step will reveal another opportunity.

I’ll share what others won’t tell you. They are able to’t. They don’t know. I have the unique perspective of matching clients with VAs and consulting others, answering all their questions, listening to what they are looking for and what makes a good virtual assistant. Any VA can make the minimum. You’ll learn how to get the premium clients, how to work with the best of the best. Ultimately, you’ll be able to live out your wildest dreams.

BUY THE BOOK NOW! I’ve even included a complimentary workbook to help you through the steps. Don’t wait another moment. Let’s get started now!

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