
Indulgences: Luther, Catholicism, and the Imputation of Merit Price:  $37.07 (as of 05/05/2019 13:50 PST- Details)


At the five-hundreth anniversary of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses and the crack of dawn of the Protestant movement, Indulgences: Luther, Catholicism, and the Imputation of Merit sets forth a revised theological interpretation of the Church’s practice of indulgences. Writer Mary C. Moorman argues that Luther’s sola fide theology merely absolutized the very logic of indulgences which he sought to overthrow, even as indulgences in their proper context remain an irreducible witness to the Church’s corporate nuptial covenant with Christ, by which penitents are drawn into deeper fellowship with the Church and the Church’s Lord. As Robert W. Shaffern, Professor of Medieval History at the University of Scranton, writes in his foreword to Indulgences, “Mary Moorman’s book joins plenty of contemporary scholarly studies that revise substantially the old convictions about indulgences. She is mostly interested in how theological thinking about indulgences must be done nowadays, with of course the assist that patristic, medieval, and early brand new authorities might lend. She brings to bear a broad range of primary and secondary sources on the issue of indulgences and constructs an impressive series of covalent images with which to be mindful the role of indulgences in nowadays’s Christian Church.”

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