No Way Out: A Story of Valor in the Mountains of Afghanistan Price: $15.19 (as of 11/11/2019 01:01 PST- Details)


In a remote, enemy-held valley in Afghanistan, a Special Forces team planned to scale a steep mountain to surprise and capture a terrorist leader. But before they found the target, the target found them…

The team was once caught in a deadly ambush that not only threatened their lives, but all of the mission. The elite soldiers fought huddled for hours on a small rock ledge as rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine-gun fire rained down on them. With total put out of your mind for their very own safety, they tended to their wounded and kept fighting to stay alive. When the battle in the end ended, ten soldiers had earned Silver Stars—the Army’s third highest award for combat valor. It was once essentially the most Silver Stars awarded to any unit in one battle since Vietnam.
Based on dozens of interviews with individuals who were there, No Way Out is a compelling narrative of an epic battle that not only tested the soldiers’ mettle but serves as a cautionary tale. Watch out what you ask a soldier to do because they’re going to die seeking to accomplish their mission.

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