
Recess at 20 Below Price:  $3.72 (as of 25/04/2019 16:21 PST- Details)


The temperature outdoor is 20 below zero. Is school cancelled? Nope. How about recess outdoor? No way!  Learn from the kids viewpoint about what it is like playing all through recess when it is truly cold,,, how it sounds outdoor, how it tastes outdoor, how it looks, and even how it smells when the therometer says it’s 20 below. What happens whilst you put on layer after layer of clothing to keep away from frostbite and then hit the playground? Did you see the tiny ice crystals in the air and hear your boots make a loud crunch, crunch, crunch sound whilst you walked?  Pictures and words in 32 pages make have made this book  popular everywhere North The us because all of the kids wish to know what happens at 20 below zero

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