SPECIAL REPORT:: Columbus and the Africans Who Preceded Him


“It is time for us to break the image of who this man is.

It is time to bring him out into the open, under the sunlight to see him for not only what he did but what it led to. For groups of people, he not only is an enemy to those people but he created enemies of these people.

This man Christopher Columbus, who has been given such a lot of different accolades, such a lot of streets named after him, countries named after him, concepts named after him; none of which he deserves.

This book by Dr. David Imhotep on Christopher Columbus, highlights who Christopher Columbus actually was.”

— Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene (Star: Hidden Color 1-4, Author: Honoring William Leo Hansberry, Star Narrator: Out of Darkness – kabakamene.com)


Contrary to popular belief, the first Americans were in truth descended from ancient Africans. But how does this come about when there’s already numerous evidence that American Indians were already present in the Americas before any European set foot here?

As the author himself asks, “How did the Paleoamericans (the first people in the Americas), come to be called, “Indians?” Were not the first people to be called Indians, the people from India? How did that name jump all the way around the world from India, to the other side of the planet to the Americas?”

This book will provide an explanation for how that came about and why Christopher Columbus came all the way from Europe through a different route than the usual thereby discover the American lands along the way.

Dr. David Imhotep dwells into why Christopher Columbus searched for riches not through the usual route of the east but instead through the west. Has he known that the earth is round rather the belief that it was flat before? The reasons are complicated but that is how Columbus was able to reach the Americas. What’s another interesting discovery is that Columbus was in truth not a saint as what well-known writings say about him. Actually, he was a man consumed by greed. So even supposing he started out as an honest explorer, he became abusive towards the locals that he brought them back to Spain as slaves.

The book also shows evidence that the earliest Americans came directly from Africa. Some did arrive from Africa by means of Europe, such as the Yuruk; and yes, some Africans eventually may have come from Australia, China, or ventured to the Americas by means of present day Alaska. They were not, alternatively, the first Americans.

As for their color, here’s a short explanation of that “This process of losing their color, called “differentiation,” came about on account of a sudden onslaught of the return of the Ice Age in Europe. It is this process that caused the loss of sunlight and lack of Vitamin-D to change these dark inland people to a lighter, whiter hue.”

There are more writings and studies that show how the very first Africans were able to set foot in the Americas. Be prepared to be blown away by these facts and how our popular belief on the origins of the Americans will be shaken by this book.

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