Lynn’s remarkable and thorough compilation and annotation brings to life the history, the horrors, and the dissolution of Andersonville Prison. Comprised primarily of hundreds of eye-witness accounts (thematically and chronologically arranged), this book emphasizes the struggles of folks that survived their incarceration and of folks that didn’t. Never before in Civil War literature has any book about Andersonville wired the ‘sickness’ of this human stockyard from a medically trained viewpoint. Union prisoners died in droves from neglect, malnutrition, disease, and pestilence, and other maladies described herein.
Dr. Lynn portrays, in moving detail, the prisoners’ perceptions of the 800 paces from the train depot to the gates of the prison as entering the depths of Hell. The loss of provisions, medical supplies, food and the wherewithal to organize it, had not just a horrible effect at the inmates, however it frustrated the efforts of a few prison officials as well.