Oran Brown

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Oran Brown
Military Inclusion
Military Inclusion host job fairs for veterans, active duty, and spouses all over the country.
Dr. LaWana Firyali Richmond
Principal Consultant
Firyali Visions
Organizational development, strategic management and process engineering consultant.
Natasha Ridley
Co Founder
Artists Building Community Project
Our mission is to practice art as a means of community engagement and dialogue in order to better our communities, families, and selves in underserved communities. We believe that art gives us the power to explore our communities and our individual roles within them by encouraging meaningful dialogue and acts of leadership.
Natasha Ridley
Dancer | Choreographer | Healer | Thinker | Organized Creative
Contemporary Ballet Dancer
Natasha Ridley is a former principal dancer of La Diego Dance Theater and has been dancing professionally for fifteen years. She began her dance career at the age of ten, at the San Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts in San Diego California where she received much of her dance training. There, she worked closely with Cynthia Morales, who provided her with a great understanding of dance and focus on technique.
Maria Jones
Life Community Center
Life Community Center living in Freedom everyday was created for the community to use at low-cost rates for meetings events whatever your dreams and goals.
Capri Cherry
Real Estate Agent / Broker
S.A.K.K Realty | eXp Realty
Choosing an agent and a brokerage for your transaction is a difficult choice, but one of the most important you will make. Having the right team on your side can make everything go smoothly, and help you get the best price possible for your property. My passion for the real estate industry and deep desire to help families buy or sell their home drives me day in and out.
Mariea Antoinette
Founder & CEO
Mariea Antoinette MahProductions
Principle harpist for Southeast Symphony Orchestra Los Angeles | Also member of all female Jazz ensemble "jazzNPink"
Shane Harris (Reverand Shane Harris)
National Action Network San Diego Chapter
National Action Network is one of the nation's leading civil rights organization, under the leadership of our President and Founder Reverend Al Sharpton.
Loren Cobbs
Founder & CEO
Culture + Cuisine
At Culture + Cuisine our goal it to bring people together over delicious food, great stories, and good times. We are lovers of all things food, we believe in strong communities, and appreciate culture. So we take a special interest in the intersection of food and culture. Behind every dish there is a story to be told and we are both story tellers and story seekers. But it is more than just food for us, from street art to books, music, and art, we explore it all, being more than just consumers we strive to honestly engage within these spaces. Based out of Southern California but with ties in every corner of the globe we invite you to join us on our journey. We hope you enjoy the ride!
Givonni Oats
GOOROO Virtual Assist
Spearheading Business Solutions that Simplify professional Lives. We are resourceful administrators driven to optimize time, manage task and meet daily demands.