Shawn Shaw

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Holiday Collection
Zen and Company
We produce and sell handcrafted soy candles and soaps
Akia Jackson
Mahogany Home Collection
Mahogany Home Collection is a premier online candle shop located here in Dallas,TX. All of our candles are poured by hand and designed to awaken the soul.
Lasheika Simmons
Sense of Serenity
I am a life blogger who also has a love of creating handmade, all natural candles, wax melts and lip balms.
Cassandra Hamilton
'Night Sweetheart, LLC
Sleepwear and relaxation essentials
Nichaela Jimerson
Avon consultant
MrsSweets Avon
Avon the products you know and love
Victorea Gardner
Victorea Lea Ultimate Beauty
A little about Victorea Lea.
Victorea Lea started making skin and hair care products in 2014. In 2015 Victorea Lea decided to offer her products to the world. What started off as a natural hair journey turned into Victorea Lea following her dreams of having her own beauty business. Victorea Lea hopes to one day open a store front and offer jobs to the inner city Detroit youth. You can continue to help Victorea Lea live her dream by donating to
We offer a wide variety of both fragrance and all natural products.
Sheri White
President & CEO
Just a Few Things Hand Crafted Luxury Body Care & Candles
We are a local business that specializes in a Just a Few Things. We currently are offering 100% soy based candles, shea butter lip balms, sugar and salt scrubs, handcrafted soap. We can create any scent of candle you like and create any color bracelets that you would be interested in. Every product is handmade with the finest ingredients around, including shea & cocoa butter, goats milk, & coconut milk.