Sabrina L. Thomas

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Sabrina L. Thomas
Sew Forgiven
The story of Sew Forgiven. The name is a play on words, Sew meaning to stitch or mend and Forgiven meaning to credit a dept and start again. Sew Forgiven started from the premise of taking jeans and transforming them from one state to another,rebirth design, and it's grown from there. When you here the name Sew Forgiven I want you to think of a brand that cares about community, craftsmen ship and the integrity of the products that are made. My approach to fashion is signature of my creativity and unique to any other designer.
Tamara Davis
Unique Hand Crafted Earrings Bracelets, Designs by Tarmara Davis
Unique Hand Crafted Earrings and Bracelets. I currently have a book out. It is entitled Bundles of Serenity. It is spiritually ,inspiring nature poems. It is available at, the cost is $8.00