Mona Abankwa

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Mona Abankwa
Nurse Practitioner
Intelecare LLC. is an acute care, primary care, and virtual clinic that is founded on the principle of "we bring the medicine to you." We are staffed with highly qualified Nurse Practitioners that make house calls. Our Nurse practitioners are able to treat a variety of health conditions ranging from minor ailments to chronic diseases.
Michael Kearse
GoGo Nurse
Discover The City Gems
Find great places to stay, eat, shop, or arrange a meet up with fellow nurses.
Ethel Weekly-Avant
San Diego Black Nurses Association
The San Diego Black Nurses Association, Inc. (SDBNA), one of over ninety NBNA chapters, was organized in 1976 by six forward thinking nurses: Eula May Banks, Maudesta George, Lottie Harris, Jewel Kelley, Dorothy Palmer Phillips (Trent), Betty Reliford. Our focus is to decrease healthcare disparities in the following areas: diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer and influenza.