Ancient Civilizations: The Aztecs


In a time shrouded in mystery and legend, the Aztec empire rose like a pyramid in the heart of Central Mexico. Emerging from a past that may be more myth than reality, they started as a band of hunters, scrambling for a living in the inhospitable regions of the world left in the back of by the Toltecs. In history, they were one more tribe of Nahuatl speaking people, just every other group who worshiped a pantheon of Gods who demanded blood and hearts for their sacrifices.

It was once On this world, that the Aztecs emerged as probably the most powerful and unique civilization to ever exist in any age. How did they change their fortunes, leaving the days of starvation in the back of to turn out to be an empire of pyramid builders, poets, priests and warriors? How did they rise from the swamps of Lake Texcoco to build a city that rivaled Constantinople and Paris? Why did they sacrifice humans with such abandon?

In this book, You are going to discover the story of the Aztec empire. You are going to learn the truth about the Aztecs, their ascent to glory and why they killed such a lot of people. You are going to read that the Aztecs were more than the performers of human sacrifices and bloody rites. They were a people who developed architecture and alliances, they perfected math and along the way they worshiped their gods in elaborate ceremonies. On this book, You are going to discover the reign of the Aztecs unveiled and unvarnished, a history of a people who changed the face of the New World.

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